Building a batch of enclosures

Today I spent most of the day laser cutting sheets of ABS plastic for some basic enclosures. It took about 3 hours last night and this morning to prepare the 4×8 sheets of 1/8″ thick plastic into pieces that were the right size for the laser cutter. I had to measure out long lines, then score them repeatedly with a razor blade, then bend the sheets until they snapped with a blast like a gun shot.

Then today it took 4 hours to cut the plastic on the cutter. I was fortunate to know someone who has access to one and could share it, and for a few hours I cut sheet after sheet of material. Afterwards, the ABS left a strange goop on the cutting surface, so I spent a couple hours cleaning it in acetone.

The pieces look great, fit perfectly, and smell awful. The box of parts will clear a room in no time, and I’ve been asked to find somewhere else to store them other than Sector67. Home isn’t a good option either, so they’re currently in the trunk of the car. I’m not looking forward to opening it.

The setup. The laser cutter is in the top left, finished parts are in the top right, scrap is in the bottom left, and staging is right in front of the laser.

Parts stacked and counted.

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